What is Fascia?
Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue surrounding every muscle, organ, bone, blood vessel, and nerve fibre and holds it in place. Fascia also has nerves that is almost as sensitive as skin.
Facia Adhesions
Healthy fascia is hydrated, continuous and pain free with movement
If the continuous line gets disrupted/taught – this is when the collagen fibres of the fascia build up and become stiff or locked. Movement is now more difficult and can be painful.
One restriction can lead to another down the chain.
Example is if you have an ankle injury. This can lead to dysfunction in your hip based on the compensation – causing back pain. Addressing the fascial network can have a cascading effect on tension in the body.
When do Fascia Adhesions Occur?
These tend to occur after an injury, surgery, repetitive movement, or lack of movement.

What is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)?
FST includes assisted stretching that targets fascia and joints. You are manually moved through a series of stretches to unlock tension in the fascia. The idea is to relax the nervous system’s hold on the fascia and open the joint space by stretching the fascia throughout the body.
Pain reduction
Improved flexibility
Improved circulation
Injury prevention
Better performance
Improved workout recovery time
We offer FST at Fortitude Fitness & Rehab
Depending on the tightness of your facia, noticeable results can be seen between 1-3 sessions and accumulate over time.
FST is best combined with exercise to help maintain mobility and strengthen your body in your progressed range.
30min session - $50+tax
60min session - $100+tax
MacDonald, L. (2022, October 20). What is Fascial Stretch therapy? Pivotal Physio. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from https://pivotalphysio.com/what-is-fascial-stretch-therapy/
Sander, K. (2019, May 25). What is Fascial Stretch therapy? Toronto Athletic Club. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from https://www.torontoathleticclub.com/Our-Club/Living-Well-Blog/what-is-fascial-stretch-therapy